Architecture & Construction 



Associate Professor of Architecture and Urban Design (SSD ICAR/14)

Barbara Angi (1976), Architect, Ph.D in Architecture and Urban Design (SSD ICAR/14), Associate Professor  at DICATAM Department of the Università degli Studi di Brescia. Her research activity is consolidated, thanks to the participation in national projects (TEC-PROHABSO, PRIN 2007, AdESA, PRIN 2017) and international (REA, eLUX) on the issues of “combined”, “adaptive” and “responsive” redevelopment of built environment with particular reference to relationship between architectural typology and constructive technology. She is the author of national and international scientific publications on the themes of architectural and urban redevelopment including the monographs: Ricomposizioni architettoniche, parallelismi e analogie (LetteraVentidue, 2018) and Amnistia per l’esistente (LetteraVentidue, 2016). She is curator of volume Eutopia Urbanscape (LetteraVentidue, 2016), Prin research result of New design practices for the sustainable redevelopment of social habitat complexes in Italy (Coordinator: Prof. Marina Montuori; and (with Michele Roda) the book Learning from Rea Project (LetteraVentidue, 2018), outcome of the REA project financed by Fondazione Cariplo. She participates in national and international competitions. Her projects have been exhibited at the International Architecture Exhibition of Venice, at the Festival of Architecture of Parma, at SAIE People meet Innovation in Bologna, at the Piccinato award.

(under update)

She is the director of AULA CAD "Fondazione Alessandra Bono Onlus" Departmental Space for Digital Design, and referent for International Studies and Erasmus for the Single Cycle Degree Programme Architectural Engineering.

tel: + 39.030. 3711219

mobile: +39.333.4387814


personal web page


Full Professor in retirement of Architecture and Urban Design (SSD ICAR/14)

Marina Montuori graduated at the Faculty of Architecture of the University of Naples on 28th July 1970 with a score of 110/110, with supervisor prof. Cocchia Carlo. Since 2006 she is Full Professor of Architectural and Urban Design (SSD ICAR/14) at the Department of Civil, Architectural, Environmental, Land Planning Engineering and Mathematics of the University of Brescia in the Master Degree of Building Engineering and Architecture. Since 1983, as a researcher in Architectural Composition she worked at IUAV of Venice, where she collaborated until 1996 to the PhD school in Architectural Design (IUAV - Faculty of Architecture of the Politecnico of Milan - Faculty of Architecture of the University of Naples ) participating to workshops, taking care of some aspects of teaching and research, coordinating publications. She held at the IUAV courses and workshops concerning Architectural Composition(1990-2011).Previously she held teaching activity and research at the Faculty of Architecture of the University of Naples as a contractor and researcher (1970-1983).She collaborated during the workshops of the Faculty of Architecture of the University IUAV of Venice (2004-2006). She teaches at the Sustainable Urban Design at the Master Degree of IUAV of Venice (2005-2007). She developes theoretical and applied research related to the transmission of knowledge with regard to the architectural design, communication techniques, the scientific and progressive discipline. The work in this direction has produced exhibitions, seminars and design publications. She has signed agreements with a number of institutions and public research companies , particularly useful not only to achieve the proposed scientific goals into the academic world, but also to promote trials and opportunities on the educational field. She participated to numerous design competitions and to national and international exhibitions, teaching and design workshops in Italy and abroad. Since 1970 she works with Giancarlo Carnevale, taking part in competitions, cultural events and national and international exhibitions.

tel: + 39.030. 3711219


personal web page


Research Fellow of Architecture and Urban Design (SSD ICAR/14)

Irene Peron (1984), Architect, PhD in Architectural & urban design at the Milan Politecnico in 2016 (thesis: Competed for potentialities. Porto Marghera, a matter of method).

Research fellow at Iuav in 2019-2020 (research: Remediation Shapes), in 2017 (research: Elements of Porto Marghera. An handbook) and in 2013 (research: Humble landscapes: regenerations programs). Graduated in 2009 at Iuav with a thesis on the Venetian industrial district.

She assists G. Carnevale and E. Giani in the didactic commitments at Iuav and participates to the research activities of the "dismissed areas and landscape regeneration" Iuav research unit.

She worked for C. Zucchi (Milan 2008) and for MELA media lab (Iuav 2010).

She is co-author, with E.Giani, of the book "Porto Marghera ATLAS" (2019); she edited some numbers of the «Iuav magazine» and edited the books "Terra di mezzo" (Venice 2012), "Wetlands" (Rome 2013) and "Occasioni di ricerca" (Milan 2014).

She Organizes exhibitions and debates, she writes articles and attends international symposium about brownfield theme.

She is a member of PREtesti collective and founding partner of Cartamodello Design Studio.

tel: + 39.030. 3711219


personal web page


Honorary Fellow and Teaching Assistant of Architecture and Urban Design (SSD ICAR/14)


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Honorary Fellow and Teaching Assistant of Architecture and Urban Design (SSD ICAR/14)


personal web page

Previous years collaborators: Massimiliano Battisti, Massimiliano Botti, Genny Celeghini, Mario Mento, Filippo Orsini